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Why you should approach Scrap Yards Brooklyn? See the reasons!!

Not to go in depth, like every yard, scrap yards of Brooklyn city offers a bunch of amenities to their customers. Their business depends upon the speedy consumption and discarding the things by people. All kinds of materials used in various devices and implements, are raw material for the scrap yards once they exhausted their working life. Only purchasing is not the objective of Scrap Yards Brooklyn, they also teach you a lesson to share in ecological balance. Scrap pilling is one of the causes of environmental misbalancing and scrap yards are supporting the ecology by recycling of scraps. Now, see that what kinds of services are available with the scrap yards:-

  • Fast quote

  • Pickup

  • Recycling

  • On site cash

The above said facilities make you crazy to deal with the scrap yards rather than dealing with the individual scrap buyers. Pickup services are reserved only for commercial installations and not for individuals. In case any individual is selling scrap, she/he needs to manage the transportation of scrap at own expenses. Now, you should also know that what Scrap Yards Brooklyn buy? They deal in almost types of scrap but their major attention is focused on buying the copper scrap. Copper scrap is also divided into different sections and you will get paid according to the level of scrap you supplied.

  • Type 1 copper scrap: This includes the copper tubes (including capillaries of Refrigerators and generators), copper plates, copper electrical wire and copper utensils. Such scraps are categorized as Type 1 because of no or meager level of corrosion.

  • Type 2 copper scrap: This category of copper scrap usually has the enough level of corrosion and accordingly less paid.

  • Insulated wires: Scrap Yards Brooklyn also buys insulated wires. Electrical cables, phone cables and Cat4, Cat5 and Cat6 cables of computers are also part of such kinds of scrap. Segregation of rubber and copper wire is quite time taking and expensive job, hence you paid fewer amount. Apart, strands of copper wires are thinner and need due care in segregation. Often these strands destroy in the process of segregation and recycling hampers a lot.

Further, you can have the latest price of each kind of scrap through the daily updated list on their official website. According to your scrap load, you are provided cash payments instantly. These yards are a basic source of raw material supply to many small scale industries that produce 2nd grade usable goods. Enjoy the facilities available with the scrap yards!!

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